
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How long from the time I decide to get one can one be installed?

How long do they last?

What is the maintenance like on a turbine?

I heard wind turbines are loud, is this true?

Isn’t the payoff for a wind turbine like 20 years or so?

It all depends on the total cost of the system, the average daily wind at your location and the size or generation capacity of your turbine. Most of the payoffs are under 10 years and with some of the grants and tax incentives available and we have seen payoffs in under 5 years! - AKWI Wind Geek

How do I know if I have enough wind for a turbine?

With the smaller residential and business units, 12MPH daily average is sufficient to run your wind turbine. An AKWI assessor will be able to assess your property and make sure you have sufficient wind at your site. - AKWI Wind Geek

I heard wind turbines kill lots of birds, is this true?

Many Government and independent studies have been done and the results were… plate glass windows and vehicles kill more birds than small wind turbines.- AKWI Wind Geek